
Gaussian deconvolution.

tkp.sourcefinder.deconv.deconv(fmaj, fmin, fpa, cmaj, cmin, cpa)[source]

Deconvolve a Gaussian “beam” from a Gaussian component.

When we fit an elliptical Gaussian to a point in our image, we are actually fitting to a convolution of the physical shape of the source with the beam pattern of our instrument. This results in the fmaj/fmin/fpa arguments to this function.

Since the shape of the (clean) beam (arguments cmaj/cmin/cpa) is known, we can deconvolve it from the fitted parameters to get the “real” underlying physical source shape, which is what this function returns.

  • fmaj (float) – Fitted major axis
  • fmin (float) – Fitted minor axis
  • fpa (float) – Fitted position angle of major axis
  • cmaj (float) – Clean beam major axis
  • cmin (float) – Clean beam minor axis
  • cpa (float) – Clean beam position angle of major axis

real major axis, real minor axis, real position angle of major

axis, number of components which failed to deconvolve

Return type:
