Source code for tkp.telescope.lofar.noise

functions for calculating theoretical noise levels of LOFAR equipment.

For more information about the math used here read the `sensitivity of the
LOFAR array page

To check the values calculated here one can use this `LOFAR image noise
calculator <>`_.

import math
import logging
import warnings
import scipy.constants
import scipy.interpolate

from tkp.telescope.lofar import antennaarrays

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def noise_level(freq_eff, bandwidth, tau_time, antenna_set, Ncore, Nremote, Nintl): """ Returns the theoretical noise level (in Jy) given the supplied array antenna_set. :param bandwidth: in Hz :param tau_time: in seconds :param inner: in case of LBA, inner or outer :param antenna_set: LBA_INNER, LBA_OUTER, LBA_SPARSE, LBA or HBA """ if antenna_set.startswith("LBA"): ds_core = antennaarrays.core_dipole_distances[antenna_set] Aeff_core = sum([Aeff_dipole(freq_eff, x) for x in ds_core]) ds_remote = antennaarrays.remote_dipole_distances[antenna_set] Aeff_remote = sum([Aeff_dipole(freq_eff, x) for x in ds_remote]) ds_intl = antennaarrays.intl_dipole_distances[antenna_set] Aeff_intl = sum([Aeff_dipole(freq_eff, x) for x in ds_intl]) else: Aeff_core = ANTENNAE_PER_TILE * TILES_PER_CORE_STATION * \ Aeff_dipole(freq_eff) Aeff_remote = ANTENNAE_PER_TILE * TILES_PER_REMOTE_STATION * \ Aeff_dipole(freq_eff) Aeff_intl = ANTENNAE_PER_TILE * TILES_PER_INTL_STATION * \ Aeff_dipole(freq_eff) # c = core, r = remote, i = international # so for example cc is core-core baseline Ssys_c = system_sensitivity(freq_eff, Aeff_core) Ssys_r = system_sensitivity(freq_eff, Aeff_remote) Ssys_i = system_sensitivity(freq_eff, Aeff_intl) baselines_cc = (Ncore * (Ncore - 1)) / 2 baselines_rr = (Nremote * (Nremote - 1)) / 2 baselines_ii = (Nintl * (Nintl - 1)) / 2 baselines_cr = (Ncore * Nremote) baselines_ci = (Ncore * Nintl) baselines_ri = (Nremote * Nintl) #baselines_total = baselines_cc + baselines_rr + baselines_ii +\ # baselines_cr + baselines_ci + baselines_ri # baseline noise, for example cc is core-core temp_cc = Ssys_c temp_rr = Ssys_r temp_ii = Ssys_i #temp_cr = math.sqrt(SEFD_cc) * math.sqrt(SEFD_rr) #temp_ci = math.sqrt(SEFD_cc) * math.sqrt(SEFD_ii) #temp_ri = math.sqrt(SEFD_rr) * math.sqrt(SEFD_ii) # The noise level in a LOFAR image t_cc = baselines_cc / (temp_cc * temp_cc) t_rr = baselines_rr / (temp_rr * temp_cc) t_ii = baselines_ii / (temp_ii * temp_ii) t_cr = baselines_cr / (temp_cc * temp_rr) t_ci = baselines_ci / (temp_cc * temp_ii) t_ri = baselines_ri / (temp_rr * temp_ii) # factor for increase of noise due to the weighting scheme W = 1 # taken from PHP script image_sens = W / math.sqrt(4 * bandwidth * tau_time * (t_cc + t_rr + t_ii + t_cr + t_ci + t_ri)) return image_sens
[docs]def Aeff_dipole(freq_eff, distance=None): """ The effective area of each dipole in the array is determined by its distance to the nearest dipole (d) within the full array. :param freq_eff: Frequency :param distance: Distance to nearest dipole, only required for LBA. """ wavelength = scipy.constants.c/freq_eff if wavelength > 3: # LBA dipole if not distance: msg = "Distance to nearest dipole required for LBA noise calculation" logger.error(msg) warnings.warn(msg) distance = 1 return min(pow(wavelength, 2) / 3, (math.pi * pow(distance, 2)) / 4) else: # HBA dipole return min(pow(wavelength, 2) / 3, 1.5625)
[docs]def system_sensitivity(freq_eff, Aeff): """ Returns the SEFD of a system, given the freq_eff and effective collecting area. Returns SEFD in Jansky's. """ wavelength = scipy.constants.c / freq_eff # Ts0 = 60 +/- 20 K for Galactic latitudes between 10 and 90 degrees. Ts0 = 60 # system efficiency factor (~ 1.0) n = 1 # For all LOFAR frequencies the sky brightness temperature is dominated by # the Galactic radiation, which depends strongly on the wavelength Tsky = Ts0 * wavelength ** 2.55 #The instrumental noise temperature follows from measurements or simulations # This is a quick & dirty approach based roughly on Fig 5 here # <> sensitivities = [ (0, 0), (10e6, 0.1 * Tsky), (40e6, 0.7 * Tsky), (50e6, 0.85 * Tsky), (55e6, 0.9 * Tsky), (60e6, 0.85 * Tsky), (70e6, 0.6 * Tsky), (80e6, 0.3 * Tsky), (90e6, 0 * Tsky), (110e6, 0 * Tsky), (120e6, 200), (300e6, 200) ] x, y = zip(*sensitivities) sensitivity = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind='linear') Tinst = sensitivity(freq_eff) Tsys = Tsky + Tinst # SEFD or system sensitivity S = (2 * n * scipy.constants.k / Aeff) * Tsys # S is in Watts per square metre per Hertz. One Jansky = 10**-26 Watts/sq # metre/Hz return S * 10**26