Source code for tkp.config

from __future__ import absolute_import

from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
import datetime
import getpass
import logging
import os

from tkp.config.parse import parse_to_dict, dt_w_microsecond_format
import tkp.db

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def initialize_pipeline_config(pipe_cfg_file, job_name=False): """ Initializes the default variables and loads the ConfigParser file. Sets defaults for start_time, job_name and cwd; these can then be used via variable substitution in other config values. """ start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() config = SafeConfigParser({ "job_name": job_name, "start_time": start_time, "cwd": os.getcwd(), }) #NB we force sensible errors by attempting to open the pipeline.cfg file: return parse_to_dict(config)
[docs]def get_database_config(pipeline_config=None, apply=None): """ Determine database config and (optionally) use to set up the Database. Determines a database configuration using the settings defined in a dict (if supplied) and possibly overridden by environment variables. The config resulting from the combination of defaults, supplied dict, and environment variables is returned as a dict. If apply==True, the Database singleton is configured using these resulting settings. The following environment variables are recognized, and take priority: - TKP_DBENGINE - TKP_DBNAME - TKP_DBUSER - TKP_DBPASSWORD - TKP_DBHOST - TKP_DBPORT args: pipeline_config: Dict of db settings. Relevant keys: (engine, database, user, password, host, port, passphrase ) apply: apply settings (configure db connection) or not returns: dict: containing the resulting combined settings (resulting from defaults, ``config_passed`` and possibly environment variables.) """ user = getpass.getuser() # Default values combined = { 'engine': None, 'database': user, 'user': None, 'password': None, 'host': "localhost", 'port': None, 'passphrase': None } if pipeline_config: combined.update(pipeline_config) # The environment variables take precedence for env_var, key in [ ("TKP_DBNAME", 'database'), ("TKP_DBUSER", 'user'), ("TKP_DBENGINE", 'engine'), ("TKP_DBPASSWORD", "password"), ("TKP_DBPASSPHRASE", "passphrase"), ("TKP_DBHOST", "host"), ("TKP_DBPORT", "port") ]: if env_var in os.environ: combined[key] = os.environ.get(env_var) if not combined['engine']: combined['engine'] = 'postgresql' if not combined['user']: combined['user'] = user if not combined['password']: combined['password'] = combined['user'] if not combined['port']: if combined['engine'] == "postgresql": combined['port'] = 5432 else: # Port is always an integer combined['port'] = int(combined['port']) if not combined['database']: combined['database'] = combined['user'] # Optionally, initiate a db connection with the settings determined if apply: tkp.db.Database(**combined) return combined