Source code for tkp.main

The main pipeline logic, from where all other components are called.
import imp
import logging
import atexit
import os
from tkp import steps
from tkp.config import initialize_pipeline_config, get_database_config
import tkp.db
from tkp.db.image_store import store_fits
from import HDUList
from itertools import chain
from tkp.db import consistency as dbconsistency
from tkp.db import Image
from tkp.db import general as dbgen
from tkp.db import associations as dbass
from tkp.db.quality import sync_rejectreasons
from tkp.distribute import Runner
from tkp.steps.misc import (load_job_config, dump_configs_to_logdir,
                            setup_logging, dump_database_backup,
from tkp.db.configstore import store_config, fetch_config
from tkp.steps.persistence import create_dataset, store_images_in_db
import tkp.steps.forced_fitting as steps_ff
from tkp.steps.varmetric import execute_store_varmetric
from import stream_generator
from tkp.quality.rms import reject_historical_rms
from tkp.quality.rms import reject_basic_rms
from tkp.quality.restoringbeam import reject_beam

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_pipe_config(job_name): return initialize_pipeline_config(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "pipeline.cfg"), job_name)
[docs]def setup(pipe_config, supplied_mon_coords=None): """ Initialises the pipeline run. """ if not supplied_mon_coords: supplied_mon_coords = [] # Setup logfile before we do anything else log_dir = pipe_config.logging.log_dir setup_logging(log_dir, debug=pipe_config.logging.debug, use_colorlog=pipe_config.logging.colorlog) job_dir = pipe_config.DEFAULT.job_directory if not os.access(job_dir, os.X_OK): msg = "can't access job folder %s" % job_dir logger.error(msg) raise IOError(msg)"Job dir: %s", job_dir) db_config = get_database_config(pipe_config.database, apply=True) dump_database_backup(db_config, job_dir) job_config = load_job_config(pipe_config) dump_configs_to_logdir(log_dir, job_config, pipe_config) sync_rejectreasons(tkp.db.Database().Session()) job_config, dataset_id = initialise_dataset(job_config, supplied_mon_coords) return job_dir, job_config, dataset_id
[docs]def get_runner(pipe_config): """ get parallelise props. Defaults to multiproc with autodetect num cores. Wil initialise the distributor. One should not mix threads and multiprocessing, but for example AstroPy uses threads internally. Best practice then is to first do multiprocessing, and then threading per process. This is the reason why this function should be called as one of the first functions the in the TraP pipeline lifespan. """ para = pipe_config.parallelise"using '{}' method for parallellisation".format(para.method)) distributor = os.environ.get('TKP_PARALLELISE', para.method) return Runner(distributor=distributor, cores=para.cores)
[docs]def load_images(job_name, job_dir): """ Load all the images for a specific TraP job. returns: tuple: a list of paths """ path = os.path.join(job_dir, '') images = imp.load_source('images_to_process', path).images"dataset %s contains %s images" % (job_name, len(images))) return images
[docs]def consistency_check():"performing database consistency check") if not dbconsistency.check(): msg = "Inconsistent database found; aborting" logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs]def initialise_dataset(job_config, supplied_mon_coords): """ sets up a dataset in the database. if the dataset already exists it will return the job_config from the previous dataset run. args: job_config: a job configuration object supplied_mon_coords (tuple): a list of monitoring positions returns: tuple: job_config and dataset ID """ dataset_id = create_dataset(job_config.persistence.dataset_id, job_config.persistence.description) if job_config.persistence.dataset_id == -1: store_config(job_config, dataset_id) # new data set if supplied_mon_coords: dbgen.insert_monitor_positions(dataset_id, supplied_mon_coords) else: job_config_from_db = fetch_config(dataset_id) # existing data set if check_job_configs_match(job_config, job_config_from_db): logger.debug("Job configs from file / database match OK.") else: logger.warn("Job config file has changed since dataset was " "first loaded into database. ") logger.warn("Using job config settings loaded from database, see " "log dir for details") job_config = job_config_from_db if supplied_mon_coords: logger.warn("Monitor positions supplied will be ignored. " "(Previous dataset specified)") return job_config, dataset_id
[docs]def extract_metadata(job_config, accessors, runner): """ args: job_config: a TKP config object accessors (tuple): list of tkp.Accessor objects runner (tkp.distribute.Runner): the runner to use returns: tuple: a list of metadata dicts """ logger.debug("Extracting metadata from images") imgs = [[a] for a in accessors] metadatas ="extract_metadatas", imgs, [job_config.persistence.rms_est_sigma, job_config.persistence.rms_est_fraction]) metadatas = [m[0] for m in metadatas if m] return metadatas
[docs]def store_image_metadata(metadatas, job_config, dataset_id): logger.debug("Storing image metadata in SQL database") r = job_config.source_extraction.extraction_radius_pix image_ids = store_images_in_db(metadatas, r, dataset_id, job_config.persistence.bandwidth_max) db_images = [Image(id=image_id) for image_id in image_ids] return db_images
[docs]def extract_fits_from_files(runner, paths): # we assume pahtss is uniform if type(paths[0]) == str: fitss ="open_as_fits", [[p] for p in paths]) return zip(*list(chain.from_iterable(fitss))) elif type(paths[0]) == HDUList: return [f[0].data for f in paths], [str(f[0].header) for f in paths] else: logging.error('unknown type')
[docs]def quality_check(db_images, accessors, job_config, runner): """ returns: tuple: a list of db_image and accessor tuples """"performing quality check") arguments = [job_config] rejecteds ="quality_reject_check", accessors, arguments) db = tkp.db.Database() history = job_config.quality.rms_est_history rms_max = job_config.quality.rms_est_max rms_min = job_config.quality.rms_est_min est_sigma = job_config.persistence.rms_est_sigma rej_sigma = job_config.quality.rms_rej_sigma oversampled_x = job_config.quality.oversampled_x elliptical_x = job_config.quality.elliptical_x good_images = [] for db_image, rejected, accessor in zip(db_images, rejecteds, accessors): if not rejected: rejected = reject_basic_rms(, db.session, est_sigma, rms_max, rms_min) if not rejected: (semimaj, semimin, theta) = accessor.beam"{}, {}, {}".format(semimaj,semimin,theta)) rejected = reject_beam(semimaj, semimin, theta, oversampled_x, elliptical_x) if not rejected: rejected = reject_historical_rms(, db.session, history, est_sigma, rms_max, rms_min, rej_sigma) if rejected: reason, comment = rejected steps.quality.reject_image(, reason, comment) else: good_images.append((db_image, accessor)) if not good_images: msg = "No good images under these quality checking criteria" logger.warn(msg) return good_images
[docs]def source_extraction(accessors, job_config, runner): logger.debug("performing source extraction") arguments = [job_config.source_extraction] extraction_results ="extract_sources", accessors, arguments) total = sum(len(i[0]) for i in extraction_results)'found {} blind sources in {} images'.format(total, len(extraction_results))) return extraction_results
[docs]def do_forced_fits(runner, all_forced_fits): logger.debug('performing forced fitting') returned ="forced_fits", all_forced_fits) total = sum(len(i[0]) for i in returned)'performed {} forced fits in {} images'.format(total, len(returned))) return returned
[docs]def store_extractions(images, extraction_results, job_config): logger.debug("storing extracted sources to database") # we also set the image max,min RMS values which calculated during # source extraction detection_thresh = job_config.source_extraction['detection_threshold'] analysis_thresh = job_config.source_extraction['analysis_threshold'] for (db_image, accessor), results in zip(images, extraction_results): db_image.update(rms_min=results.rms_min, rms_max=results.rms_max, detection_thresh=detection_thresh, analysis_thresh=analysis_thresh) dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(, results.sources, 'blind')
[docs]def assocate_and_get_force_fits(db_image, job_config): logger.debug("performing DB operations for image {} ({})".format(, db_image.url)) r = job_config.association.deruiter_radius b = job_config.association.beamwidths_limit s = job_config.transient_search.new_source_sigma_margin dbass.associate_extracted_sources(, deRuiter_r=r, beamwidths_limit=b, new_source_sigma_margin=s) expiration = job_config.source_extraction.expiration all_fit_posns, all_fit_ids = steps_ff.get_forced_fit_requests(db_image, expiration) return all_fit_posns, all_fit_ids
[docs]def varmetric(dataset_id):"calculating variability metrics") execute_store_varmetric(dataset_id)
[docs]def close_database(dataset_id): dbgen.update_dataset_process_end_ts(dataset_id) db = tkp.db.Database() db.session.commit() db.close()
[docs]def get_accessors(runner, all_images): imgs = [[img] for img in all_images] accessors ="get_accessors", imgs) return [a[0] for a in accessors if a]
[docs]def get_metadata_for_sorting(runner, image_paths): """ Group images per timestamp. Will open all images in parallel using runner. args: runner (tkp.distribute.Runner): Runner to use for distribution image_paths (tuple): list of image paths returns: tuple: list of tuples, (timestamp, [list_of_images]) """ nested_img = [[i] for i in image_paths] results ="get_metadata_for_ordering", nested_img) if results and results[0]: metadatas = [t[0] for t in results] return metadatas else: logger.warning("no images to process!") return []
[docs]def store_image_data(db_images, fits_datas, fits_headers):"storing {} images to database".format(len(db_images))) store_fits(db_images, fits_datas, fits_headers)
[docs]def timestamp_step(runner, images, job_config, dataset_id, copy_images): """ Called from the main loop with all images in a certain timestep args: runner (tkp.distribute.Runner): Runner to use for distribution images (tuple): list of things tkp.accessors can handle, like image paths or fits objects job_config: a tkp job config object dataset_id (int): The ``tkp.db.model.Dataset`` id returns: tuple: of tuples (rms_qc, band) """ # gather all image info accessors = get_accessors(runner, images) metadatas = extract_metadata(job_config, accessors, runner) db_images = store_image_metadata(metadatas, job_config, dataset_id) error = "%s != %s != %s" % (len(accessors), len(metadatas), len(db_images)) assert len(accessors) == len(metadatas) == len(db_images), error # store copy of image data in database if copy_images: fits_datas, fits_headers = extract_fits_from_files(runner, images) store_image_data(db_images, fits_datas, fits_headers) # filter out the bad ones good_images = quality_check(db_images, accessors, job_config, runner) good_accessors = [i[1] for i in good_images] # do the source extractions extraction_results = source_extraction(good_accessors, job_config, runner) store_extractions(good_images, extraction_results, job_config) all_forced_fits = [] # assocate the sources for (db_image, accessor) in good_images: fit_poss, fit_ids = assocate_and_get_force_fits(db_image, job_config) all_forced_fits.append((accessor,, fit_poss, fit_ids, job_config.source_extraction)) # do the forced fitting all_forced_fits_results = do_forced_fits(runner, all_forced_fits) # store and associate the forced fits for (successful_fits, successful_ids, db_image_id) in all_forced_fits_results: steps_ff.insert_and_associate_forced_fits(db_image_id, successful_fits, successful_ids) # update the variable metrics for running catalogs varmetric(dataset_id)
[docs]def run_stream(runner, job_config, dataset_id, copy_images): """ Run the pipeline in stream mode. Daemon function, doesn't return. args: runner (tkp.distribute.Runner): Runner to use for distribution job_config: a job configuration object dataset_id (int): The dataset ID to use """ hosts = job_config.pipeline.hosts.split(',') ports = [int(p) for p in job_config.pipeline.ports.split(',')] from datetime import datetime for images in stream_generator(hosts=hosts, ports=ports):"processing {} stream images...".format(len(images))) trap_start = try: timestamp_step(runner, images, job_config, dataset_id, copy_images) except Exception as e: logger.error("timestep raised {} exception: {}".format(type(e), str(e))) else: trap_end = delta = (trap_end - trap_start).microseconds/1000"trap iteration took {} ms".format(delta))
[docs]def run_batch(image_paths, job_config, runner, dataset_id, copy_images): """ Run the pipeline in batch mode. args: job_name (str): job name, used for locating images script pipe_config: the pipeline configuration object job_config: a job configuration object runner (tkp.distribute.Runner): Runner to use for distribution dataset_id (int): The dataset ID to use """ sorting_metadata = get_metadata_for_sorting(runner, image_paths) grouped_images = group_per_timestep(sorting_metadata) for n, (timestep, images) in enumerate(grouped_images): msg = "processing %s images in timestep %s (%s/%s)" % (len(images), timestep, n + 1, len(grouped_images))) try: timestamp_step(runner, images, job_config, dataset_id, copy_images) except Exception as e: logger.error("timestep raised {} exception: {}".format(type(e), str(e)))
[docs]def run(job_name, supplied_mon_coords=None): """ TKP pipeline main loop entry point. args: job_name (str): name of the jbo to run supplied_mon_coords (tuple): list of coordinates to monitor """ pipe_config = get_pipe_config(job_name) runner = get_runner(pipe_config) job_dir, job_config, dataset_id = setup(pipe_config, supplied_mon_coords) # make sure we close the database connection at program exit atexit.register(close_database, dataset_id) copy_images = pipe_config.image_cache['copy_images'] if job_config.pipeline.mode == 'stream': run_stream(runner, job_config, dataset_id, copy_images) elif job_config.pipeline.mode == 'batch': image_paths = load_images(job_name, job_dir) run_batch(image_paths, job_config, runner, dataset_id, copy_images)