Source code for tkp.quality.rms

import numpy
from tkp.utility import nice_format
from scipy.stats import norm
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import desc
from tkp.db.model import Image
from tkp.db.quality import reject_reasons

[docs]def rms_invalid(rms, noise, low_bound=1, high_bound=50): """ Is the RMS value of an image outside the plausible range? :param rms: RMS value of an image, can be computed with tkp.quality.statistics.rms :param noise: Theoretical noise level of instrument, can be calculated with tkp.lofar.noise.noise_level :param low_bound: multiplied with noise to define lower threshold :param high_bound: multiplied with noise to define upper threshold :returns: True/False """ if (rms < noise * low_bound) or (rms > noise * high_bound): ratio = rms / noise return "rms value (%s) is %s times theoretical noise (%s)" % \ (nice_format(rms), nice_format(ratio), nice_format(noise)) else: return False
[docs]def rms(data): """Returns the RMS of the data about the median. Args: data: a numpy array """ data -= numpy.median(data) return numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(data, 2).sum()/len(data))
[docs]def clip(data, sigma=3): """Remove all values above a threshold from the array. Uses iterative clipping at sigma value until nothing more is getting clipped. Args: data: a numpy array """ raveled = data.ravel() median = numpy.median(raveled) std = numpy.std(raveled) newdata = raveled[numpy.abs(raveled-median) <= sigma*std] if len(newdata) and len(newdata) != len(raveled): return clip(newdata, sigma) else: return newdata
[docs]def subregion(data, f=4): """Returns the inner region of a image, according to f. Resulting area is 4/(f*f) of the original. Args: data: a numpy array """ x, y = data.shape return data[(x/2 - x/f):(x/2 + x/f), (y/2 - y/f):(y/2 + y/f)]
[docs]def rms_with_clipped_subregion(data, rms_est_sigma=3, rms_est_fraction=4): """ RMS for quality-control. Root mean square value calculated from central region of an image. We sigma-clip the input-data in an attempt to exclude source-pixels and keep only background-pixels. Args: data: A numpy array rms_est_sigma: sigma value used for clipping rms_est_fraction: determines size of subsection, result will be 1/fth of the image size where f=rms_est_fraction returns the rms value of a iterative sigma clipped subsection of an image """ return rms(clip(subregion(data, rms_est_fraction), rms_est_sigma))
[docs]def reject_basic_rms(image_id, session, est_sigma=4, rms_max=100., rms_min=0.0): """Check if the RMS value of an image lies within a range predetermined at the start of a pipeline run. args: image_id (int): database ID of the image we want to check session (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): the database session est_sigma (float): sigma multiplication factor rms_max (float): global maximum rms for image quality check rms_min (float): global minimum rms for image quality check returns: bool: None if not rejected, (rejectreason, comment) if rejected """ image = session.query(Image).filter( == image_id).one() if not rms_min < image.rms_qc < rms_max: return reject_reasons['rms'],\ "RMS value not within {} and {}".format(rms_min, rms_max)
[docs]def reject_historical_rms(image_id, session, history=100, est_sigma=4, rms_max=100., rms_min=0.0, rej_sigma=3.0): """ Check if the RMS value of an image lies within a range defined by a gaussian fit on the histogram calculated from the last x RMS values in this subband. Upper and lower bound are then controlled by est_sigma multiplied with the sigma of the gaussian. args: image_id (int): database ID of the image we want to check session (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): the database session history (int): the number of timestamps we want to use for histogram est_sigma (float): sigma multiplication factor rms_max (float): global maximum rms for image quality check rms_min (float): global minimum rms for image quality check returns: bool: None if not rejected, (rejectreason, comment) if rejected """ image = session.query(Image).filter( == image_id).one() rmss = session.query(Image.rms_qc).filter( ( == history).all() if len(rmss) < history: return False mu, sigma = t_low = mu - sigma * rej_sigma t_high = mu + sigma * rej_sigma if not rms_min < image.rms_qc < rms_max: return reject_reasons['rms'],\ "RMS value not within {} and {}".format(rms_min, rms_max) if not t_low < image.rms_qc < t_high or not rms_min < image.rms_qc < rms_max: return reject_reasons['rms'],\ "RMS value not within {} and {}".format(t_low, t_high)