Source code for tkp.steps.quality

All generic quality checking routines.
import logging
import tkp.db.quality
import tkp.quality
import tkp.quality.brightsource
from tkp.accessors import AartfaacCasaImage
from tkp.accessors.lofaraccessor import LofarAccessor
from tkp.db import Database
from tkp.telescope.aartfaac.quality import reject_check_aartfaac
from tkp.telescope.generic.quality import reject_check_generic_data
from tkp.telescope.lofar.quality import reject_check_lofar

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def reject_check(accessor, job_config): """ Check if an image passes the quality checks. If not, a rejection reason is returned. args: accessor: a TKP accessor representing the image job_config: parset file location with quality check parameters Returns: (rejection ID, description) if rejected, else None """ rejected = reject_check_generic_data(accessor) if rejected: return rejected if isinstance(accessor, AartfaacCasaImage): rejected = reject_check_aartfaac(accessor) if rejected: return rejected # Only run LOFAR-specific QC checks on LOFAR images. if isinstance(accessor, LofarAccessor): rejected = reject_check_lofar(accessor, job_config) if rejected: return rejected else: msg = "no specific quality checks for " + accessor.telescope logger.debug(msg)
[docs]def reject_image(image_id, reason, comment): """ Adds a rejection for an image to the database """ session = Database().Session() tkp.db.quality.reject(image_id, reason, comment,session) session.commit()