Source code for tkp.utility.containers

Container classes for the TKP pipeline.

These provide convenient means of marshalling the various types of data --
lightcurves, detections, sources, etc -- that the pipeline must handle.

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ObjectContainer(list): """A container class for objects. What sort of objects? Well, anything that has a position and we want to keep lists of, really. So detections (ie, an individual source measurement on an image), sources (ie all the detections of a given object in a given image stack) and lightcurves (ie, all the sources associated with a given object through time). You probably don't want to use this on it's own: see ExtractionResults, TargetList or source for more useful derived classes. """ def closest_to(self, pix_x, pix_y): distance, target = False, False logger.debug("Beginning a search for objects near %.1f, %.1f: ", pix_x, pix_y) logger.debug("%s contains %d objects", str(self), len(self)) for obj in self: tmpdist = (pix_x - obj.x)**2 + (pix_y - obj.y)**2 logger.debug("Object at %f, %f", obj.x, obj.y) logger.debug("Has distance %f", tmpdist) if not distance: distance = tmpdist target = obj else: if tmpdist < distance: target = obj distance = tmpdist logger.debug("Best distance is now %f", distance) logger.debug("From object %s", str(target)) if not distance: return (target, distance) else: return (target, distance**0.5) def __setslice__(self, section, items): """ Not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError def __iadd__(self, y): """ Not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError def __imul__(self, y): """ Not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError def __mul__(self, y): """ Not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError def __rmul__(self, y): """ Not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): return 'Container: ' + str(len(self)) + ' object(s).'
[docs]class ExtractionResults(ObjectContainer): """Container for the results of running source extraction on an ImageData object""" def __str__(self): return 'ExtractionResults: ' + str(len(self)) + ' detection(s).'