Source code for tkp.db.database

import exceptions
import logging
import numpy
import tkp.config
from tkp.utility import substitute_inf

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The version of the TKP DB schema which is assumed by the current tree.
# Increment whenever the schema changes.

[docs]class DBExceptions(object): """ This provides an engine-agnostic wrapper around the exceptions that can the thrown by the database layer: we can refer to eg DBExcetions(engine).Error rather than <engine specific module>.Error. We handle both the PEP-0249 exceptions as provided by the DB engine, and add our own as necessary. """ def __init__(self, engine): # RhombusError refers to unhandled source layout, See issue 4778: # if engine == "monetdb": import monetdb.exceptions self.exceptions = monetdb.exceptions self.RhombusError = self.exceptions.OperationalError elif engine == "postgresql": import psycopg2 self.exceptions = psycopg2 self.RhombusError = self.exceptions.IntegrityError def __getattr__(self, attrname): obj = getattr(self.exceptions, attrname) # Weed the cluttered psycopg2 namespace: only return things that # really are valid database errors. if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, exceptions.StandardError): return obj else: raise AttributeError(attrname)
[docs]def sanitize_db_inputs(params): """ Replace values in params with alternatives suitable for database insertion. That includes: * Convert numpy.floating types into Python floats; * Convert infs into the string "Infinity". Args: params (dict/list/tuple): (Potentially) dirty database inputs Returns: cleaned (dict/list/tuple): Sanitized database inputs """ def sanitize(val): val = substitute_inf(val) if isinstance(val, numpy.floating): val = float(val) return val # According to the DB-API, params could be a dict-alike (ie, has key-value # pairs) or a list-alike (an ordered sequence). if hasattr(params, "iteritems"): cleaned = {k: sanitize(v) for k, v in params.iteritems()} else: cleaned = [sanitize(v) for v in params] return cleaned
[docs]class Database(object): """ An object representing a database connection. """ _connection = None _configured = False # this makes this class a singleton _instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls._instance: cls._instance = object.__new__(cls) return cls._instance def __init__(self, **kwargs): if self._configured: if kwargs: logger.warning("Not configuring pre-configured database") return elif not kwargs: kwargs = tkp.config.get_database_config() self.engine = kwargs['engine'] self.database = kwargs['database'] self.user = kwargs['user'] self.password = kwargs['password'] = kwargs['host'] self.port = kwargs['port']"Database config: %s://%s@%s:%s/%s" % (self.engine, self.user,, self.port, self.database)) self._configured = True # Provide placeholders for engine-specific Exception classes self.exceptions = DBExceptions(self.engine)
[docs] def connect(self): """ connect to the configured database """"connecting to database...") kwargs = {} if self.user: kwargs['user'] = self.user if kwargs['host'] = if self.database: kwargs['database'] = self.database if self.password: kwargs['password'] = self.password if self.port: kwargs['port'] = int(self.port) # During pipeline operation, we force autocommit to off (which should # be the default according to the DB-API specs). See #4885. if self.engine == 'monetdb': import monetdb.sql kwargs['autocommit'] = False self._connection = monetdb.sql.connect(**kwargs) elif self.engine == 'postgresql': import psycopg2 self._connection = psycopg2.connect(**kwargs) self._connection.autocommit = False else: msg = "engine %s not supported " % self.engine logger.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) # Check that our database revision matches that expected by the # codebase. cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT value FROM version WHERE name='revision'") schema_version = cursor.fetchone()[0] if schema_version != DB_VERSION: error = ("Database version incompatibility (needed %d, got %d)" % (DB_VERSION, schema_version)) logger.error(error) self._connection.close() self._connection = None raise Exception(error) # I don't like this but it is used in some parts of TKP self.cursor = self._connection.cursor()"connected to: %s://%s@%s:%s/%s" % (self.engine, self.user,, self.port, self.database))
@property def connection(self): """ The database connection, will be created if it doesn't exists. This is a property to be backwards compatible with the rest of TKP. :return: a database connection """ if not self._connection: self.connect() # I don't like this but it is used in some parts of TKP self.cursor = self._connection.cursor() return self._connection
[docs] def close(self): """ close the connection if open """ if self._connection: self._connection.close() self._connection = None