Source code for tkp.quality.brightsource

import sys
import logging
import warnings
import pyrap.quanta as qa
from io import BytesIO
from pyrap.measures import measures
from tkp.utility.coordinates import unix2julian
from tkp.utility.redirect_stream import redirect_stream

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

targets = { 'CasA': {'ra' : 6.123487680622104,  'dec' : 1.0265153995604648},
            'CygA': {'ra' : 5.233686575770755,  'dec' : 0.7109409582180791},
            'TauA': {'ra' : 1.4596748493730913, 'dec' : 0.38422502335921294},
            'HerA': {'ra' : 4.4119087330382163, 'dec' : 0.087135562905816893},
            'VirA': {'ra' : 3.276086511413598,  'dec' : 0.21626589533567378},
            'SUN': None,
            'JUPITER': None,

[docs]def check_for_valid_ephemeris(measures): """ Checks whether the ephemeris data in use by ``measures`` is valid. ``measures`` should already have a valid reference frame. """ # Note that we need to catch and parse the standard error produced by # pyrap: there doesn't seem to be any other way of figuring this out. pyrap_stderr = BytesIO() with redirect_stream(sys.__stderr__, pyrap_stderr): # We assume the ephemeris is valid if it has position of the sun. measures.separation( measures.direction("SUN"), measures.direction("SUN") ) if "WARN" in pyrap_stderr.getvalue(): # pyrap sends a warning to stderr if the ephemeris is invalid return False else: return True
[docs]def is_bright_source_near(accessor, distance=20): """ Checks if there is any of the bright radio sources defined in targets near the center of the image. :param accessor: a TKP accessor :param distance: maximum allowed distance of a bright source (in degrees) :returns: False if not bright source is near, description of source if a bright source is near """ #TODO: this function should be split up and tested more atomically # The measures object is our interface to pyrap m = measures() # First, you need to set the reference frame -- ie, the time # -- used for the calculations to come. Time as MJD in seconds. starttime = int(accessor.taustart_ts.strftime("%s")) starttime_mjd = unix2julian(starttime) m.do_frame(m.epoch("UTC", "%ss" % starttime_mjd)) # Now check and ensure the ephemeris in use is actually valid for this # data. if not check_for_valid_ephemeris(m): logger.warn("Bright source check failed due to invalid ephemeris") return "Invalid ephemeris" # Second, you need to set your image pointing. pointing = m.direction( "J2000", "%sdeg" % accessor.centre_ra, "%sdeg" % accessor.centre_decl ) for name, position in targets.items(): if not position: direction = m.direction(name) else: direction = m.direction( "J2000", "%srad" % position['ra'], "%srad" % position['dec'] ) separation = m.separation(pointing, direction).get_value("deg") if separation < distance: return "Pointing is %s degrees from %s." % (separation, name) return False