Source code for tkp.sourcefinder.fitting

Source fitting routines.

import math
import numpy
import scipy.optimize
from .gaussian import gaussian
import utils

FIT_PARAMS = ('peak', 'xbar', 'ybar', 'semimajor', 'semiminor', 'theta')

[docs]def moments(data, beam, threshold=0): """Calculate source positional values using moments Args: data (numpy.ndarray): Actual 2D image data beam (3-tuple): beam (psf) information, with semi-major and semi-minor axes Returns: (dict): peak, total, x barycenter, y barycenter, semimajor axis, semiminor axis, theta Raises: ValueError (in case of NaN in input) Use the first moment of the distribution is the barycenter of an ellipse. The second moments are used to estimate the rotation angle and the length of the axes. """ # Are we fitting a -ve or +ve Gaussian? if data.mean() >= 0: # The peak is always underestimated when you take the highest pixel. peak = data.max() * utils.fudge_max_pix(beam[0], beam[1], beam[2]) else: peak = data.min() ratio = threshold / peak total = data.sum() x, y = numpy.indices(data.shape) xbar = float((x * data).sum()/total) ybar = float((y * data).sum()/total) xxbar = (x * x * data).sum()/total - xbar**2 yybar = (y * y * data).sum()/total - ybar**2 xybar = (x * y * data).sum()/total - xbar * ybar working1 = (xxbar + yybar) / 2.0 working2 = math.sqrt(((xxbar - yybar)/2)**2 + xybar**2) beamsize = utils.calculate_beamsize(beam[0], beam[1]) # Some problems arise with the sqrt of (working1-working2) when they are # equal, this happens with islands that have a thickness of only one pixel # in at least one dimension. Due to rounding errors this difference # becomes negative--->math domain error in sqrt. if len(data.nonzero()[0]) == 1: # This is the case when the island (or more likely subisland) has # a size of only one pixel. semiminor = numpy.sqrt(beamsize/numpy.pi) semimajor = numpy.sqrt(beamsize/numpy.pi) else: semimajor_tmp = (working1 + working2) * 2.0 * math.log(2.0) semiminor_tmp = (working1 - working2) * 2.0 * math.log(2.0) # ratio will be 0 for data that hasn't been selected according to a # threshold. if ratio != 0: # The corrections below for the semi-major and semi-minor axes are # to compensate for the underestimate of these quantities # due to the cutoff at the threshold. semimajor_tmp /= (1.0 + math.log(ratio) * ratio / (1.0 - ratio)) semiminor_tmp /= (1.0 + math.log(ratio) * ratio / (1.0 - ratio)) semimajor = math.sqrt(semimajor_tmp) semiminor = math.sqrt(semiminor_tmp) if semiminor == 0: # A semi-minor axis exactly zero gives all kinds of problems. # For instance wrt conversion to celestial coordinates. # This is a quick fix. semiminor = beamsize / (numpy.pi * semimajor) if (numpy.isnan(xbar) or numpy.isnan(ybar) or numpy.isnan(semimajor) or numpy.isnan(semiminor)): raise ValueError("Unable to estimate Gauss shape") # Theta is not affected by the cut-off at the threshold (see Spreeuw 2010, # page 45). if abs(semimajor - semiminor) < 0.01: # short circuit! theta = 0. else: theta = math.atan(2. * xybar / (xxbar - yybar))/2. if theta * xybar > 0.: if theta < 0.: theta += math.pi / 2.0 else: theta -= math.pi / 2.0 ## NB: a dict should give us a bit more flexibility about arguments; ## however, all those here are ***REQUIRED***. return { "peak": peak, "flux": total, "xbar": xbar, "ybar": ybar, "semimajor": semimajor, "semiminor": semiminor, "theta": theta }
[docs]def fitgaussian(pixels, params, fixed=None, maxfev=0): """Calculate source positional values by fitting a 2D Gaussian Args: pixels ( Pixel values (with bad pixels masked) params (dict): initial fit parameters (possibly estimated using the moments() function, above) Kwargs: fixed (dict): parameters & their values to be kept frozen (ie, not fitted) maxfev (int): maximum number of calls to the error function Returns: (dict): peak, total, x barycenter, y barycenter, semimajor, semiminor, theta (radians) Raises: ValueError (in case of a bad fit) Perform a least squares fit to an elliptical Gaussian. If a dict called fixed is passed in, then parameters specified within the dict with the same names as fit_params (below) will be "locked" in the fitting process. """ fixed = fixed or {} # Collect necessary values from parameter dict; only those which aren't # fixed. initial = [] for param in FIT_PARAMS: if param not in fixed: if hasattr(params[param], "value"): initial.append(params[param].value) else: initial.append(params[param]) def residuals(paramlist): """Error function to be used in chi-squared fitting :argument paramlist: fitting parameters :type paramlist: numpy.ndarray :argument fixed: parameters to be held frozen :type fixed: dict :returns: 2d-array of difference between estimated Gaussian function and the actual pixels """ paramlist = list(paramlist) gaussian_args = [] for param in FIT_PARAMS: if param in fixed: gaussian_args.append(fixed[param]) else: gaussian_args.append(paramlist.pop(0)) # gaussian() returns a function which takes arguments x, y and returns # a Gaussian with parameters gaussian_args evaluated at that point. g = gaussian(*gaussian_args) # The .compressed() below is essential so the Gaussian fit will not # take account of the masked values (=below threshold) at the edges # and corners of pixels (=(masked) array, so rectangular in shape). pixel_resids = data = numpy.fromfunction(g, pixels.shape) - pixels, mask = pixels.mask) return pixel_resids.compressed() # maxfev=0, the default, corresponds to 200*(N+1) (NB, not 100*(N+1) as # the scipy docs state!) function evaluations, where N is the number of # parameters in the solution. # Convergence tolerances xtol and ftol established by experiment on images # from Paul Hancock's simulations. soln, success = scipy.optimize.leastsq( residuals, initial, maxfev=maxfev, xtol=1e-4, ftol=1e-4 ) if success > 4: raise ValueError("leastsq returned %d; bailing out" % (success,)) # soln contains only the variable parameters; we need to merge the # contents of fixed into the soln list. # leastsq() returns either a numpy.float64 (if fitting a single value) or # a numpy.ndarray (if fitting multiple values); we need to turn that into # a list for the merger. try: # If an ndarray (or other iterable) soln = list(soln) except TypeError: soln = [soln] results = fixed.copy() for param in FIT_PARAMS: if param not in results: results[param] = soln.pop(0) if results['semiminor'] > results['semimajor']: # Swapped axis order is a perfectly valid fit, but inconvenient for # the rest of our codebase. results['semimajor'], results['semiminor'] = results['semiminor'], results['semimajor'] results['theta'] += numpy.pi/2 # Negative axes are a valid fit, since they are squared in the definition # of the Gaussian. results['semimajor'] = abs(results['semimajor']) results['semiminor'] = abs(results['semiminor']) return results