.. _code-review: Code Review =========== Rather than pushing changes directly to ``transientskp/tkp``, developers are asked to submit their changes for review before they are merged into the project. Ideally, this applies to all changes; however, it is recognized that in certain cases -- e.g. recovering from a previous mistake, or making trivial formatting changes -- pushing directly may be appropriate. Code reviews are carried out using GitHub's `Pull Request `_ functionality. Submitting code for review -------------------------- Using the GitHub web interface, "fork" a copy of the repository to your own account (note that even if you do not have a paid GitHub account, forks of private repositories remain private, so you are not exposing the code to the outside world). Clone a copy of your forked repository to your local system:: $ git clone git@github.com:/tkp.git Create a branch which you will use for working on your changes:: $ git checkout -b my_new_branch Work on that branch, editing, adding, removing, etc as required. When you are finished, push your changes pack to GitHub:: $ git push orign my_new_branch Return to the GitHub web interface, and issue a pull request to merge your ``:my_new_branch`` into ``transientskp:master``. Reviewing code -------------- Reviewing code is just as valuable an activity as creating it: *all* developers are expected to handle a share of code reviews. The procedure is simple: visit the GitHub web interface, and choose a pull request to review. Look through it carefully, ensuring that it adheres to the guidelines below. If you are happy with it, and it can be automatically merged, simply hit the big green "Merge Pull Request". If an automatic merge isn't possible, you will have to check out the code onto your system and merge it manually: this takes a little time, but GitHub document the process. If you *aren't* happy with the code as submitted, you can use the GitHub web interface to add both general comments covering the whole PR and to comment on specific lines explaining what the problem is. You can even issue your own PR suggesting new commits that the submitter could merge with their own work. Please be as clear as possible and make constructive suggestions as to how the submitter can make improvements: remember, the aim is to get high quality code merged into the repository in a timely fashion, not to argue over obscure minutiae! Requirements for Pull Requests ------------------------------ When submitting or reviewing a pull request, please bear the following guidelines in mind: * PRs should be as concise and self-contained as possible. Sometimes, major functionality changes will require large amounts of code to be changed, but this should be the exception rather than the rule. Be considerate to the reviewer and keep changes minimal! * It is not required that reviewers check every line for correctness, but they should read through the code and check that it is clearly structured and reasonably transparent in operation. * Effectively all requests should be accompanied by appropriate additions to the test suite. If it is not possible to provide tests, the submitter should explain why, and the reviewer must check and agree with this justification. * Any changes to user-visible functionality must be accompanied by appropriate updates to the Users' Guide. * Any changes to APIs or the structure of code must be accompanied by appropriate updates to the Developers' Reference. * Both submitter and reviewer should check that the PR does not introduce any regressions into the unit test results (ie, no tests which previously passed should fail after merging.) * Make sure that the version control history is readable. This means both using descripive commit messages (future developers will not thank you for recording that you did "stuff"), and appropriate use of ``git rebase`` to eliminate dead-end and work-in-progress commits before submitting the code for review.