Source code for tkp.accessors.detection

import os.path
import pyfits
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from casacore.tables import table as casacore_table
from casacore.images import image as casacore_image
from tkp.accessors.lofarcasaimage import LofarCasaImage
from tkp.accessors.lofarhdf5image import LofarHdf5Image
from tkp.accessors.fitsimage import FitsImage
from tkp.accessors.amicasaimage import AmiCasaImage
from tkp.accessors.lofarfitsimage import LofarFitsImage
from tkp.accessors.kat7casaimage import Kat7CasaImage

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# files that should be contained by a casa table
casafiles = ("table.dat", "table.f0", "table.f0_TSM0", "",

# We will take the first accessor for which the test returns True.
FitsTest  = namedtuple('FitsTest', ['accessor', 'test'])
fits_type_mapping = [
        test=lambda hdr: 'TELESCOP' in hdr and 'ANTENNA' in hdr and hdr.get('TELESCOP') == "LOFAR"

casa_telescope_keyword_mapping = {
    'LOFAR': LofarCasaImage,
    'KAT-7': Kat7CasaImage,
    'AMI-LA': AmiCasaImage,

[docs]def isfits(filename): """returns True if filename is a fits file""" if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False if filename[-4:].lower() != 'fits': return False try: with pass except IOError: return False return True
[docs]def iscasa(filename): """returns True if filename is a lofar casa directory""" if not os.path.isdir(filename): return False for file_ in casafiles: casafile = os.path.join(filename, file_) if not os.path.isfile(casafile): logger.debug("%s doesn't contain %s" % (filename, file_)) return False try: table = casacore_table(filename.encode(), ack=False) table.close() except RuntimeError as e: logger.debug("directory looks casacore, but cannot open: %s" % str(e)) return False return True
[docs]def islofarhdf5(filename): """returns True if filename is a hdf5 container""" if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False if filename[-2:].lower() != 'h5': return False try: casacore_image(filename) except RuntimeError: return False return True
[docs]def fits_detect(filename): """ Detect which telescope produced FITS data, return corresponding accessor. Checks for known FITS image types where we expect additional metadata. If the telescope is unknown we default to a regular FitsImage. """ with as hdulist: hdr = hdulist[0].header for fits_test in fits_type_mapping: if fits_test.test(hdr): return fits_test.accessor return FitsImage
[docs]def casa_detect(filename): """ Detect which telescope produced CASA data, return corresponding accessor. Checks for known CASA table types where we expect additional metadata. If the telescope is unknown we return nothing. """ table = casacore_table(filename.encode(), ack=False) telescope = table.getkeyword('coords')['telescope'] return casa_telescope_keyword_mapping.get(telescope, None)
[docs]def detect(filename): """returns the accessor class that should be used to process filename""" if isfits(filename): return fits_detect(filename) elif iscasa(filename): return casa_detect(filename) elif islofarhdf5(filename): return LofarHdf5Image else: raise IOError("unsupported format: %s" % filename)