Source code for tkp.sourcefinder.gaussian

Definition of a two dimensional elliptical Gaussian.

from numpy import exp, log, cos, sin

[docs]def gaussian(height, center_x, center_y, semimajor, semiminor, theta): """Return a 2D Gaussian function with the given parameters. Args: height (float): (z-)value of the 2D Gaussian center_x (float): x center of the Gaussian center_y (float): y center of the Gaussian semimajor (float): major axis of the Gaussian semiminor (float): minor axis of the Gaussian theta (float): angle of the 2D Gaussian in radians, measured between the semi-major and y axes, in counterclockwise direction. Returns: lambda: 2D Gaussian (function of pixel coords ``(x,y)``) """ return lambda x, y: height * exp( -log(2.0) * (((cos(theta) * (x - center_x) + sin(theta) * (y - center_y)) / semiminor)**2.0 + ((cos(theta) * (y - center_y) - sin(theta) * (x - center_x)) / semimajor)**2.))