Source code for tkp.db.quality

check image quality
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
import tkp.db

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: need to think of a way to sync this with tkp/db/tables/rejection.sql
RejectReason = namedtuple('RejectReason', 'id desc')

reason = {
    'rms': RejectReason(id=0, desc='RMS invalid'),
    'beam': RejectReason(id=1, desc='beam invalid'),
    'bright_source': RejectReason(id=2, desc='bright source near'),
    'tau_time': RejectReason(id=3, desc='tau_time invalid'),
    'nan': RejectReason(id=4, desc='contains NaN'),

query_reject = """\
INSERT INTO rejection

query_unreject = """\
  FROM rejection
 WHERE image=%(image)s

query_isrejected = """\
SELECT rejectreason.description, rejection.comment
  FROM rejection, rejectreason
 WHERE rejection.rejectreason =
   AND rejection.image = %(imageid)s

[docs]def reject(imageid, reason, comment): """ Add a reject intro to the db for a given image :param imageid: The image ID of the image to reject :param reason: why is the image rejected, a defined in 'reason' :param comment: an optional comment with details about the reason """ args = {'imageid': imageid, 'reason': reason, 'comment': comment} query = query_reject % args tkp.db.execute(query, commit=True)
[docs]def unreject(imageid): """ Remove all rejection of a given imageid :param imageid: The image ID of the image to reject """ query = query_unreject % {'image': imageid} tkp.db.execute(query, commit=True)
[docs]def isrejected(imageid): """ Find out if an image is rejected or not :param imageid: The image ID of the image to reject :returns: False if not rejected, a list of reason id's if rejected """ query = query_isrejected % {'imageid': imageid} cursor = tkp.db.execute(query) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) > 0: return ["%s: %s" % tuple(row) for row in results] else: return False