Source code for

Code for parsing streaming telescope data. For now we only support AARTFAAC
data version 1. We implemented an emulator for this stream in
from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import socket
import StringIO
import struct
import numpy as np
import time
import dateutil.parser

from Queue import Full
from multiprocessing import Manager

# the checksum is used to check if we are not drifting in the data flow
CHECKSUM = 0x47494A53484F4D4F

# how many images groups do we keep before we start dropping

# use this for debugging. Will not fork processes but run everything threaded

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def extract_timestamp(hdulist): """ args: hdulist ( fits header to extract timestamp from returns: datetime.datetime: extracted timestamp """ return dateutil.parser.parse(hdulist[0].header['date-obs'])
[docs]def getbytes(socket_, bytes_): """ Read an amount of bytes from the socket args: socket_ (socket.socket): socket to use for reading bytes_ (int): amount of bytes to read returns: str: raw bytes from socket """ result = StringIO.StringIO() count = bytes_ while count > 0: recv = socket_.recv(count) if len(recv) == 0: raise socket.error("Server closed connection") count -= len(recv) result.write(recv) return result.getvalue()
[docs]def read_window(socket_): """ read raw aarfaac protocol window args: socket_ (socket.socket): socket to read from returns: fits_bytes, image_bytes """ header_bytes = getbytes(socket_, 512) magic = struct.unpack('Q', header_bytes[:8])[0] fits_length = struct.unpack('=L', header_bytes[8:12])[0] array_length = struct.unpack('=L', header_bytes[12:16])[0] assert magic == CHECKSUM, str(magic) + '!=' + str(CHECKSUM) fits_bytes = getbytes(socket_, fits_length) image_bytes = getbytes(socket_, array_length) return fits_bytes, image_bytes
[docs]def reconstruct_fits(fits_bytes, image_bytes): """ reconstruct a fits object from serialised fits header and data. args: fits_bytes (str): a string with serialized fits bytes image_bytes (str): a string with serialized image data returns: the fits object """ hdu_header = width = hdu_header["NAXIS1"] length = hdu_header["NAXIS2"] image_array = struct.unpack(str(len(image_bytes)/4) + 'f', image_bytes) image_matrix = np.reshape(image_array, (width, length)) hdu = hdu.header = hdu_header hdulist =[hdu]) return hdulist
[docs]def connection_handler(socket_, image_queue): """ Handles the connection, waits until a windows is returned and puts it in the queue. Daemon thread, will loop forever. args: socket_ (socket.socket): socket used for reading image_queue (Queue.Queue): used for putting images in """ while True: try: fits_bytes, image_bytes = read_window(socket_) except Exception as e: logger.error("error reading data: {}".format(str(e)))"sleeping for 5 seconds") time.sleep(5) break else: hdulist = reconstruct_fits(fits_bytes, image_bytes) image_queue.put(hdulist)
[docs]def connector(host, port, image_queue): """ Tries to connect to a specific host and port, if succesfull will call connection_handler() with the connection. args: host (str): host to connect to port (int): port to connect to image_queue (Queue.Queue): Will be used for putting the images in """ while True:"connecting to {}:{}".format(host, port)) try: socket_ = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) socket_.settimeout(5) socket_.connect((host, port)) except socket.error as e: logger.error("cant connect to {}:{}: {}".format(host, port, str(e)))"will try reconnecting in 5 seconds") time.sleep(5) else:"connected to {}:{}".format(host, port)) connection_handler(socket_, image_queue)
[docs]def merger(image_queue, grouped_queue): """ Will monitor image_queue for images and group them by timestamp. When an image with an successive timestamp is received the group is put on the grouped queue. args: image_queue (Queue): the incoming image queue grouped_queue (Queue): the outgoing grouped image queue """"merger thread started") first_image = image_queue.get()"merger received first image") images = [first_image] previous_timestamp = extract_timestamp(first_image) while True: new_image = image_queue.get() new_timestamp = extract_timestamp(new_image)"merger received image with timestamp {}".format(new_timestamp)) if new_timestamp < previous_timestamp: logger.error("timing error, older image received after newer image") if new_timestamp == previous_timestamp: images.append(new_image) else: previous_timestamp = new_timestamp"collected {} images, processing...".format(len(images))) try: grouped_queue.put(images, block=False) except Full: logger.error("grouped image queue full ({}), dropping group" " ({} images)".format(grouped_queue.qsize(), len(images))) images = [new_image]
[docs]def stream_generator(hosts, ports): """ Connects to all hosts on port in ports. Returns a generator yielding sets of images with the same timestamp. args: hosts (list): list of hosts to connect to ports (list): list of ports to connect to """ if THREADED: import threading from queue import Queue method = threading.Thread image_queue = Queue() grouped_queue = Queue(maxsize=BACK_LOG) else: import multiprocessing manager = Manager() image_queue = manager.Queue() grouped_queue = manager.Queue(maxsize=BACK_LOG) method = multiprocessing.Process for host, port in zip(hosts, ports): name = 'port_{}_proc'.format(port) args = dict(target=connector, name=name, args=(host, port, image_queue)) con_proc = method(**args) con_proc.daemon = True con_proc.start() args = dict(target=merger, name='merger_proc', args=(image_queue, grouped_queue)) merger_proc = method(**args) merger_proc.daemon = True merger_proc.start() while True: yield grouped_queue.get()