.. _job_params_cfg: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ``job_params.cfg`` - Job Parameters Configuration +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The job parameters file provides the detailed, scientifically-motivated settings for each pipeline step. Providing the appropriate configuration here is essential for achieving scientifically valid results. The default ``job_params.cfg`` file is as follows: .. literalinclude:: /../tkp/config/job_template/job_params.cfg The file follows the :ref:`standard ConfigParser syntax `. The parameters in this file are defined as follows: .. _job_params_persistence: ``persistence`` Section ======================= (See also the :ref:`stage-persistence`.) ``dataset_id`` Integer. Specifies the unique ID of a dataset to which the current pipeline run should be appended. If ``-1``, a new dataset is created. If you specify a specific data set ID the configuration of your job is retrieved from the database. This will override your job configuration. ``description`` String. The name under which the database will be stored in the database. This value is only used if a new dataset is constructed (see ``dataset_id``, below). ``rms_est_sigma`` Float. Sigma value used for iterative clipping. ``rms_est_fraction`` Integer. Determines the size of the subsection used for RMS measurement: the central ``1/f`` of the image will be used (where f=rms_est_fraction). ``bandwidth_max`` Float. Limit the maximum bandwidth used when determining if two images belong to the same 'band' grouping. .. _job_params_quality: ``quality_lofar`` Section ========================= These are the quality-checking parameters applied if the ingested data is from LOFAR. See also :ref:`stage-quality`. ``low_bound`` Float. Reject the image if the measured RMS is less than ``low_bound`` times the theoretical noise. ``high_bound`` Float. Reject the image if the measured RMS is greater than ``high_bound`` times the theoretical noise. ``oversampled_x`` The maximum length of a beam axis. ``elliptical_x`` The maximum ratio of major to minor axis length. ``min_separation`` The minimum allowed distance from the image centre to a bright radio source in degrees. .. _job_params_source_extraction: ``source_extraction`` Section ============================== Parameters used in source extraction. See also :ref:`stage-extraction` and :ref:`stage-forcedfit`. ``detection_threshold`` Float. The detection threshold as a multiple of the RMS noise. ``analysis_threshold`` Float. The analysis threshold as a multiple of the RMS noise. ``back_size_x``, ``back_size_y`` Integers. The size of the background grid parallel to the X and Y axes of the pixel grid. ``margin`` Integer. Pixel data within ``margin`` pixels of the edge of the image will be excluded from the analysis. ``extraction_radius_pix`` Integer. Pixel data more than ``extraction_radius_pix`` pixels from the centre of the image will be excluded from the analysis. ``deblend_nthresh`` Integer. The number of subthresholds to use for deblending. Set to ``0`` to disable deblending. ``force_beam`` Boolean. If ``True``, all detected sources are assumed to have the size and shape of the restoring beam (ie, to be unresolved point sources), and these parameters are held constant during fitting. If ``False``, all parameters are allowed to vary freely. ``box_in_beampix`` The size of the masking aperture which determines which pixels are used for forced fitting, as a multiple of the beam major axis length. See :py:func:`tkp.sourcefinder.image.ImageData.fit_to_point` for details. ``ew_sys_err``, ``ns_sys_err`` Floats. Systematic errors in units of arcseconds which augment the sourcefinder-measured errors on source positions when performing source association. These variables refer to an absolute angular error along an east-west and north-south axis respectively. (NB Although these values are *stored* during the source-extraction process, they affect the source-association process.) `expiration` The number of forced fits performed since the last blind fit. Used to 'expire' the runningcatalog - else said to stop monitoring a source of which the flux went below the detection threshold after a configurable amount of timesteps. .. _job_params_association: ``association`` Section ============================== Parameters used in source-association. See :ref:`stage-association` for details. NB the ``ew_sys_err``, ``ns_sys_err`` parameters detailed above also affect source-association. ``deruiter_radius`` Float. Maximum DeRuiter radius for two sources to be considered candidates for association. ``beamwidths_limit`` Float. Maximum separation for two sources to be considered candidates for association, as a multiple of the restoring-beam semimajor-axis length. Default is 1.0, which was the fixed default prior to TraP release 2.1. It may be necessary to use a larger number if your data has large systematic position errors, i.e. if the sources 'jitter' between images, but note that using a large value can cause slowdown of database operations. .. _job_params_transient_search: ``transient_search`` Section ============================== Parameters used in transient-detection. See also the :ref:`stage-transient`. ``new_source_sigma_margin`` Float. A newly detected source is considered transient if it is significantly above the best (lowest) previous detection limit for that point on-sky. 'Significantly above' is defined by a 'margin of error,' intended to screen out steady sources that just happen to be fluctuating around the detection threshold due to measurement noise. This value sets that margin as a multiple of the RMS of the previous-best image.